Heritage Group
Researching, preserving and presenting our unique Heritage
About us ...
The Lyreacrompane Heritage Group is an umbrella for the following groups and activities.
The Lyreacrompane and District Journal which researches, records and preserves the story of the Lyreacrompane district. The deadline for the next Journal is October 1st, 2022 and articles and photos are welcome.
The four day Dan Paddy Andy Festival of music and dance, Bog Walk etc.
The recording and publishing of the music and songs of the area. The promotion of local traditional talent through the Irish Rambling House shows and trips to entertain the exiles England irishramblinghouse.com
The upkeep and updating of this website.
The renovation of the Glen Schoolhouse community building for which we have Planning Permission.
The co-ordination of the efforts to eliminate the invasive Japanese Knotweed along the stretch of road through Lyreacrompane and results so far have been good.
We keep Lyreacrompane Bridge looking its best since 2017.
Our Irish Rambling House project has its own site - www.irishramblinghouse.com
some more locations on the developing Lyreacrompane Heritage Trail

The memorial recalling the times of Bord na Mona in Lyreacrompane is now well advanced in Carrigcannon with the installation of a fabulous mural by Mike O'Donnell of a locomotive and wagons depicting an element of the turf cutting operation there in years gone by. Thanks to Glanaruddery Wind Farm Community Fund for helping out. It sure is worth a look and is already catching the eye of passing motorists, walkers and cyclists and attracting visits.

The memorial recalling the Dan Paddy Andy Dance Hall (1930s to the 1960s) at Reanagowan Cross Roads (AKA Dan Paddy Andy Crossroads)is now in place and you are welcome to call and see it at any time. Thanks for all the help to Mike McKenna, Seán Enright and John Dowling. The image on the Information Sign is by a great-grandson of Dan Paddy Andy O'Sullivan, Malachy O'Sullivan, New York.
Some more news from the Lyreacrompane Heritage Group below.
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